Checklist version 1 Installer name: _____________ Date (DD-MM-YYYY) ______________ Box: Name: _____________ IP: . . . Domain name : _____________ Physical location: _____________ Duties: ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ RAM: _____ MB HD: ________ GB Processor: ____________ Mhz: _______ Other HW: _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Install process (don't forget versions) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [ ] shadow passwords [ ] Install programs [ ] pgp [ ] ssh [ ] sudo [ ] john the ripper [ ] nmap [ ] nc [ ] ffingerd [ ] tripwire [ ] rdate [ ] dnetc [ ] seti@home [ ] snort [ ] tcpdump [ ] uprecords [ ] Upgrade all installed packages [ ] recompile latest kerel Version: . . Patches: _______________ _______________ _______________ [ ] config files [ ] /etc/inetd.conf - turn off all but needed ones [ ] /etc/crontab [ ] config file verifying script [ ] john the ripper [ ] netstat -a | grep LISTEN | mail -s listen root [ ] /etc/sshd/config - disable root login [ ] /etc/motd - change it [ ] /etc/inittab [ ] turn off ctrl-alt-delete [ ] add terminals [ ] /etc/syslogd.conf [ ] *.* on /dev/tty11 [ ] remote log, host: _______________ [ ] /etc/{ttys,securetty} [ ] /etc/default/rcS [ ] autofix on fs check [ ] /etc/aliases [ ] remove script entries [ ] add abuse/security [ ] redir root mail [ ] nfs [ ] running nfs [ ] /etc/export export to fqdn only [ ] httpd [ ] running httpd: ___________ [ ] run as non-root [ ] named (/etc/bind/*) [ ] running, version: __________ [ ] non-root [ ] chroot() [ ] firewall [ ] block syn on low ports from outside [ ] SNAT [ ] DNAT Extra: ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- T e s t i n g -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [ ] portscan open ports: __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ [ ] nessus [ ] No problems